birdfrog (2024)
marimba trio · 4 minutes · intermediate+

birdfrog was written for Brandon Berlanga, Anthony Kain Cantu and Edric Salazar as part of the Austin Percussion Collective, and premiered on July 9th, 2024 at Studio A in Austin, TX.

To purchase the score, send me an email at with the subject "birdfrog score".

For 2-mallet marimba trio (one 4.3-octave marimba).

If you wander Austin late at night, you will often hear a quiet, subtle chirping emanate from tall grass. It sounds like baby birds, and it's always been in the background ever since I moved here.

Sometimes I'd look for these "birds", but I could never find anything.
It was odd to me. Maybe it was mice?

I kept searching, until one day I finally found what was chirping.
Tiny frogs, woven within the grass, each the size of a U.S. quarter.
Singing away, late at night.

When I first moved to Austin and started my undergrad, I made a few friends in the percussion studio. They were older than me, so they graduated and went off to do their own projects, while I continued my undergrad.

From afar, I have watched them do so many wonderful things and musical pursuits of their own.
I grateful to have shared memories with you all, even if only for a short while.

This piece was written for you. Thank you.

Musically, birdfrog draws upon math rock, gentle acoustic covers of rock music, and minimalism.

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